December 8, 2008
Updated download for Gift Exchange to version
2.63.0. This corrects an issue that in some cases sending with SMTP to the whole
list of participants may fail. Sending one at a time by right-clicking on the
name and selecting "Send" does not have this problem. The problem was due to an
issue with the progress dialog box. Also adds prompt after drawing names to save
the file so the names drawn should be saved right away in case something goes
December 3, 2008
Added GiftExchange for Windows Mobile 1.2 download. Supports text messaging
results to participant cell phones.
November 14, 2008
Updated download for Gift Exchange to version
2.61.0. This corrects an issue that name drawing may fail if more participants
are configured to give to receive only participants than there are receive only
participants. This corrects an issue that if the gift suggestion for a receive
only participant is updated the prompt to re-send notification to participant
who has the name may not appear. Also improved summary display to show receive
only participants.
September 15, 2008
Updated download for Gift Exchange to version
2.6.0. This adds support for mail servers such as Gmail requiring an SSL
connection. To configure for use with gmail login to your gmail account, select
"Settings", "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" and at the section "POP Download", make
sure "Status: POP is enabled". If it is not check "Enable POP for mail that
arrives from now on" and click "Save Changes". In the gift exchange "Configure"
dialog make sure the "Port" is set to 465, "SSL" is checked, "Authentication" is
set "Login", "User Name" is set to the full user name such as: "User@gmail.com",
and the correct password is set.
December 5, 2007
Updated download for Gift Exchange to version
2.5.3. This corrects an issue that may cause a crash if the exchange is set to
prevent participants from drawing the same name as the previous two exchanges
and there are not two exchanges of history in the file.
November 29, 2007
Gift Exchange for Smartphone coming soon. This allows notifications to be
text messaged and or emailed to participants.
November 26, 2007
Updated download for Gift Exchange to version
2.5.2. This corrects an issue that may prevent the "Move Person" feature from
working. Also corrects an issue that may prevent the exchange summary for
completed exchanges from showing when the exchange list item is selected.
October 29, 2007
Updated download for Gift Exchange to version
2.5.1. This corrects an issue that may prevent saving the setting "Prevent
participants from drawing the same name as previous two exchanges".
October 26, 2007
Version 2.5 now available. This adds a logging feature to show history of
various activities and results such as emails sent successfully or failed.
Another feature is HTML links in email to send gift suggestions for any
participants to the exchange organizer. The organizer may add any suggestions
received to the list and send out emails again including the suggestions.
Exchanges may also be specified to prevent participants from receiving the same
name as in the previous exchange or previous two exchanges. When the gift
exchange files are saved a backup file is automatically written.
September 8, 2007
Version 2.5 coming soon. This adds a logging feature to show history of
various activities and results such as emails sent successfully or failed.
Another feature is HTML links in email to send gift suggestions for any
participants to the exchange organizer. The organizer may add any suggestions
received to the list and send out emails again including the suggestions.
December 10, 2004
Updated download for Gift Exchange to new version
2.3. Added summary display for exchange history to show the name drawn and gift
given (if specified) for each person for previous drawings. Added move person
feature to allow moving a person out of a group, into a group, or to a different
group. Improved configuration dialog box. Separated Outlook profile prompt from
SMTP mail server prompt. Added separate check box for "Enable Outlook
Integration" and "Send emails using Outlook". This will allow using the Outlook
address book, but sending the emails directly using the SMTP mail server.
November 20, 2004
Updated download for Gift Exchange to new version
2.2. Added option for non-secret exchange. Added feature that if gift
suggestion is changed a prompt will appear to allow an updated notification to
be emailed to the person who has drawn that name.
November 15, 2004
Updated download for Gift Exchange to new version
2.11. Modifies notifications to include gift suggestions for shared exchange
participants, as well as children.
November 13, 2004
Updated download for Gift Exchange to new version
2.1. This adds feature to include children who receive gifts but do not give
gifts into the exchanges.
October 18, 2004
Added document file download for Gift Exchange
October 13, 2004
Added download for new version 2.00 of Gift
Exchange. Added feature to use Outlook (MAPI) for address book lookup.