Quick Quiz Mobile for iOS

Quick Quiz Mobile for iOS is now on the App Store. Should you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for improving it please post a comment below or send an e-mail to: don@wilsonware.com. Also you may e-mail any quizzes to me that you make and would like to contribute to the shared download area. If the quizzes have references to copyrighted works be sure to abide by copyright fair use.

Quizzes may be e-mailed by tapping the “Edit” button, select the quiz, then tap the action button iOS_action_button. Recipients of the e-mail with Quick Quiz installed may select the attachment and “Open With” Quick Quiz. Custom responses may also be shared in the same manner.

Coming soon… Quick Quiz for Mac that will be fully compatible with Quick Quiz Mobile for iOS quiz files.




6 thoughts on “Quick Quiz Mobile for iOS”

  1. Ir is a very usefull app , i Wish it could have a recopilation of all chapters wrong answers at The end of all of the chapters for a practice of all chapters wrong answers. GOOD APP

    1. ¿Qué dispositivo estás usando? iPhone o iPad ¿Qué versión de iOS estás usando? Cuando ingrese una nueva pregunta o respuesta, presione “+” para agregar otra pregunta y asegurarse de que la pregunta anterior esté guardada.

      Pronto estará disponible en la App Store una nueva versión para dispositivos actualizados, iOS 13 y compatibilidad con modo oscuro. Saludos cordiales, Don

    1. Thank you for your question. What do you mean by scan code? If you create a new quiz or download a quiz you may just select the name of the quiz to start it.

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